How cool is this? Singer Melissa Etheridge shown here with her wife Linda was at what was one of my favorite restaurants, "Sparky Town" (now closed) that sold my mugs and paintings and she bought one of my paintings! She was in town for a concert and was having lunch there and they decided that they liked my painting! I hope they tell all of their friends!
I have mugs and rice / noodle bowls for sale at Nature Tyme Health Food Store on Erie Blvd. in Syracuse.
I also have mugs and noodle bowls at Eureka Crafts in Armory Square, mugs at Clayscapes Gallery on W. Fayette St. in Syracuse, and last but not least, mugs and bowls at the Syracuse Soapworks at 226 Hawley Ave, in Syracuse.
Go out and pick up some one of a kind presents for your special people!
Upcoming Shows

Nov. 30- Night Market at Sky Armory - 3 to 10pm
Dec. 7 & 8 - Plowshares at Nottingham HS - 10 to 5pm
Dec. 7 - Christmas in Mexico, Mexico high school - 9 to 4pm
Dec. 13 & 14 - Artisans Against Hunger, Dewitt Community Church - 4 to 8pm / 10 to 4pm